Vision Boards, Aesthetics and Goals
In the past month Pinterest has caught my interest. I know, it’s been around for a while, why now? Well, I was busy with productive procrastination, organizing or reorganizing things that could wait, so that I could avoid some distasteful things that really needed to be done and I came across an article I had clipped about creating a vision board. It seemed like a really cool thing to do–using pictures instead of goals. Something easy and pleasant to look at.
I got a notion that I could do a vision board on pinterest, and set about setting up a private vision board. I spent some time setting up the board and figuring out my goals for my life. It is a work in progress, not at all complete, but it is a start. I do not like the way the board works on Pinterest, since I haven’t found a way to move things around and group them.
I did find out that you can print the board and the pictures are tiny, but perfect (1-2 inches either way), so they could be cut out for a super cute, inspiring vision board that doesn’t take a lot of space. It too is a work in progress. I cut out the pictures and started pasting them on a large white paper. I learned some things. One is that aesthetically, this is not pleasing and it is my wish to start over on black paper!
I learned that my vision is not well balanced and is maybe pretty self centered. I have spent my adult life taking care of clients, children, spouses, and sometimes friends or charities. Most things I do on a daily basis are done because someone else wants or needs them done. Things I do for myself are always done to a background of guilt, because there is so much I “should” be doing for others. So maybe its okay that it turns out that at this point in my life, service to others isn’t well represented on the board.
But still, when I look at it, I am “bugged” by the lack of balance. What seems like long ago, I was a person who wanted to be of service to my country–not as a soldier or politician, but to contribute to something that endures. Either through betterment of our legal system, or active educated participation in the political and legislative process.
I am going to try to open my mind to inspiration in that direction. Meanwhile the board will have to be lopsided. I have always believed that you can have it all, but not all at once! Service will come later.
At any rate, I am excited by this board, which is much more fun than written goals and is inspiring me to look beyond my myopic life. There’s more that I want to add and of course, I want to ‘pretty’ it up!
on Wednesday, May 1, 2013