Posts Tagged ‘Goals’

The Best Advice I’ve Ever Been Given

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.” Lyndon B. Johnson   Funny how things work. I had envisioned the start of school this year as a new beginning for me. Finally I would have a 6 hour stretch each day with noone but myself to take care of….Read More »

Thursday, March 14 Lee Brennan

If I am not my Brain, Who am I?

In the past, I relied on books, magazines and audio recordings for guidance in my intermittent, but ongoing self-help journey. Recently I decided to look at blogs and today I read one on Empower Network that really sang to me, so to speak. Anytime I consider starting anything new in the business world, my brain…Read More »

Tuesday, March 5 Lee Brennan

Goals and my Subconscious Mind

The funniest thing just happened. Last summer I wrote a bunch of blog entries as practice and with the thought in mind that if I actually went through with the blog idea, I would have some in reserve. Today I was going through the entries, trying to put them in some order and add categories,…Read More »

Thursday, January 10 Lee Brennan

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

This goes against my favorite saying: “Go With Your Guts”, and really should be taken as a corollary. If what you want to do is most likely going to lead to something positive or fun (and not too negative), then go for it. But if you are fearful because its a bad idea or you risk…Read More »

Wednesday, January 2 Lee Brennan