Meditation by Buddy
Previously I have wondered whether my son’s (age 6) frequent statements regarding “when we get rich. . .” were affirmations. Today I found him lying on the floor by the sliding glass door, covered with his favorite blanket and gazing up into the leaves of the oak tree. I asked if he was okay and…Read More »
Friday, May 24Meditation. Hmmmm. . .
So I think I have started a habit of meditation! I am not so good that it happens every day, but probably 9 out of 10. Sometimes its done as I go to sleep at night. I started with the Oprah and Deepak 21 day Challenge, but continued on my own with the help of…Read More »
Tuesday, May 21Affirmations by my Son
Earlier this year I wondered if my son’s conversations which often include the phrase, “when we get rich” were actually affirmations. Since he said it so strongly and so often, will it really happen? I am sure he says it to prevent his very practical parents from saying that whatever new idea he has is…Read More »
Thursday, April 11Competitive Meditation = Progress?
Hot Flash Meditation!Photo Credit: Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos © Angie68 Because I have no self discipline, but can’t refuse a good bet, my sister and I have a bet going on who can meditate more. Here’s a look at my meditation progress.Watch Froning The Fittest Man In History (2015) Full Movie Online…Read More »
Wednesday, February 6Meditation. Buddha I am not!
I have now meditated three days in a row. Not because I want to, nor because I have nothing to do. ONLY because I bet my sister that I would meditate more than her and not even because I need the money—just because I like to win! Maybe it should be an Olympic event;…Read More »
Monday, February 4