Posts Tagged ‘meditation’

Meditation. Hmmmm. . .

So I think I have started a habit of meditation! I am not so good that it happens every day, but probably 9 out of 10. Sometimes its done as I go to sleep at night. I started with the Oprah and Deepak 21 day Challenge, but continued on my own with the help of…Read More »

Tuesday, May 21 Lee Brennan

Competitive Meditation = Progress?

Hot Flash Meditation!Photo Credit: Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos © Angie68 Because I have no self discipline, but can’t refuse a good bet, my sister and I have a bet going on who can meditate more. Here’s a look at my meditation progress.Watch Froning The Fittest Man In History (2015) Full Movie Online…Read More »

Wednesday, February 6 Lee Brennan

ADHD Meditation

Maybe I need to write a book called ADHD Meditation. I do think I am getting better at this, and I also think it is weird and a little frightening that I would need or want to practice NOT thinking, when so many of my mistakes already come from not thinking, or at least not…Read More »

Saturday, February 2 Lee Brennan