Posts Tagged ‘funny’

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Competitive Meditation = Progress?

Hot Flash Meditation!Photo Credit: Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos © Angie68 Because I have no self discipline, but can’t refuse a good bet, my sister and I have a bet going on who can meditate more. Here’s a look at my meditation progress.Watch Froning The Fittest Man In History (2015) Full Movie Online…Read More »

Wednesday, February 6 Lee Brennan

ADHD Meditation

Maybe I need to write a book called ADHD Meditation. I do think I am getting better at this, and I also think it is weird and a little frightening that I would need or want to practice NOT thinking, when so many of my mistakes already come from not thinking, or at least not…Read More »

Saturday, February 2 Lee Brennan

Fake it until you make it–it works!

I saw a bit of a show on laughter. You probably won’t be surprised at this point that I cannot remember what show or even whether it was on television or the computer! At any rate there apparently is some research that indicates that even if you fake a smile or laugh, your mood will…Read More »

Monday, January 28 Lee Brennan

Early Onset Alzheimer’s?

“Just think how much fun you will have watching me 20 years from now!” I say to my husband who is laughing hysterically.. This is after he asked where the butter dish was and I said I just put it back in the fridge. “Well its not in there,” he says. Sure enough, it’s in…Read More »

Monday, January 14 Lee Brennan
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